James Blunt - No Bravery Lyrics
There are children standing here,
Arms outstretched into the sky,
Tears drying on their face.
He has been here.
Brothers lie in shallow graves.
Fathers lost without a trace.
A nation blind to their disgrace,
Since he's been here.
And I see no bravery,
No bravery in your eyes anymore.
Only sadness.
Houses burnt beyond repair.
The smell of death is in the air.
A woman weeping in despair says,
He has been here.
Tracer lighting up the sky.
It's another families' turn to die.
A child afraid to even cry out says,
He has been here.
February 28, 2006
پروژهء شکست خورده
February 26, 2006
تفرقه بینداز و حکومت کن
چند روز دیگر
کارِ دست
برای شروع یه سری قاب که عکساشون رو با موبایل گرفتم و کیفیت ندارن.
هر کی خواست سفارش هم قبول می کنیم.
February 23, 2006
February 21, 2006
February 19, 2006
February 14, 2006
February 13, 2006
February 12, 2006
تکرار تاریخ
تاریخ ما را ربوده اند و ما هیچ درسی از هیچ تاریخی نگرفته ایم.
ما مجبوریم تمام راه های رفتهء دیگران را از ابتدا تا انتها برویم تا به جایی که آنان در حال حاضر هستند برسیم.
ما از هر چیزی بهانه ای برای خود می تراشیم, به خاک و خون می کشیم و حرف نمی زنیم, چون بلد نیستیم.
ما تاریخ را تکرار می کنیم تا چیزی از کسی کم نداشته باشیم.
February 11, 2006
بدون شرح
بي ربط
February 7, 2006
همیشه در صحنه
برایم سوال است: آیا این آقا اهل دانمارک هستند؟
فکر می کردم که آقای احمدی نژاد احساس می کند بعد از انقلاب 57 روی کار آمده و باید حرکت هایش انقلابی باشد, الان به یقین رسیده ام.
پی نوشت: سوال دیگری هم هست, کاریکاتورها اگر اشتباه نکنم سپتامبر 2005 چاپ شده اند, ما چرا الان اعتراض می کنیم؟
اگر اشتباه می کنم کسی روشنم کند.
آغازِ پايان
كه در ميانه آنچه عزا مي دانند
بگذريم كه در گوش خر ياسين و غيره خواندن
تاريخي كه به اسم محرومان شروع ميشود
ولي رانندگان شركت واحد در زنداناند
ولي آوردش آتش است
تاريخي با اسم شكمهاي گرسنه، به رسم جنگ
تاريخي كه اگرچه تا آخر به دست همانها
God's open letter to Iranians
Honestly, I'm sick and tired of listening to you people whine. You fail to recognize how busy I am. I put in 24-hour days, every fickle day. I have to oversee the operation of all existence. I have to manage the relationship between time and space. I am busy maintaining solar systems, black holes, comets, asteroids, planets, the milky-way, blah blah blah...It's not bad enough that I have to prevent your shitty little planet from smashing into Neptune or getting sucked into the sun, I have to constantly listen to you people bitch.
What do you want from me? What else could I possibly give you Iranians?
I picked the best prime real estate on Earth and handed it to you. I gave you beautiful vacation spots in the north of the country, magnificent mountains in the west, an exquisite desert in the east and a perfect passage to oceans in the south. I gave you ravishing lands, clean air,
lushes trees, fruitful soil, and roaring rivers. I gave you riches that were the envy of humanity. I gave you resources others would kill for.
What did you do with it? Nothing. You sat on your lazy asses and let it all go down the drain. I put an ocean of oil underneath you to power the world. But you people were so inarticulate, you didn't even appreciate it.
Others came and plundered it. I made you smart, creative, and innovative. Did you ever use your brains? Hell no! You just let it all go to waste. And those among you who did use your brains were immediately shunned or eliminated by your own compatriots. You bought used, wasted, consumed, purchased, drained, exhausted natural resources and contributed nothing in return. While I watched other nations create, invent, change, produce, discover, contrive, you people went through life clueless. Oh, and another thing: I'm tired of listening to you people blame all your deficiencies on other nations. They took your oil? Tough shit-- you didn't deserve it.
They took your lands? Big deal-- what good did you do with it anyway? They stole your resources? Oooh, it breaks my heart. I have had my eyes on you in last 3000 years and I have not seen people as lazy, cunning, lying, cheating, and ass kissing as you. You're most unkind to your own kind. You always chose the easy way out, minimum pain, maximum gain. What did you do with those brilliant poets, artists, scientists, thinkers, and savants who appeared among you? You managed to push them under the water to avoid feeling inadequate. Well, this might come as a shock to you, but it doesn't work like that. You see, I created humans to be productive not to
sit around and watch life go by. Others achieved, you didn't. End of story. So from the Office of the Chairman of the Board of Existence to the citizens of Iran, read my lips: Please quit whining. I have a universe to run and there is nothing else I can do for you.
Ciao baby!
Your creator,
G. Al Mighty
پی نوشت: خوشمان آمد از این ایمیل گفتیم بقیه هم بخوانند
February 5, 2006
February 4, 2006
February 3, 2006
کسی که نمی فهمد
آهای با توام.
دست از سرش بردار.
فکر کن هیچ وقت نبوده؟ می میری؟
برو پی زندگی خودت
واسه چی تهدید می کنی؟
بی شعور
برای تمام زندگی ام که بعد از او همه هیچ است
سال ها می گذرد از آن صبح شومی که ای کاش هیچ وقت نمی رسیدم.
سال ها می گذرد از آن صبحی که همه بودند و تو نبودی و من به دنبال تو می گشتم, در آن خانهء پر اندوه.
سال ها....
هنوز اما باور ندارم, هنوز خوابهایم مرا تصدیق می کنند و رفتنت را کتمان,
حق من از زندگی این نبود
چرا یادم رفت که دستم را چسب بزنم به دستت تا نتوانند مرا از تو جدا کنند؟
من هنوز دخترکی بیش نیستم
دخترک تو که بوسه هایش را دوست نداشتی, چندش ات می شد, اما....